New era, new kitchens, new names 

The legacy of Sandy Dudakov OAM’s legendary support of FareShare is literally now a permanent feature at FareShare’s newly refurbished Abbotsford kitchen.

 At a delightfully elegant lunch, a gathering of Sandy’s family and friends, The Sandy Dudakov Hive was named in her honour.

In the room which will continue to be the venue of many volunteer briefings, FareShare CEO Marcus Godinho praised Sandy, for her generosity of spirit, her willingness to share and her business acumen which has helped FareShare becoming the largest charity kitchen in Australia.

Sandy is of course FareShare’s Board Vice President and has been a regular Wednesday volunteer – for the past twenty-three years.

“This room is named after you as an acknowledgement of the impact you have had on the lives of thousands of Australians in hardship. It is the least we can do to say thank you,” Marcus said.

Standing surrounded by well-wishers who delighted in the delicious array of fresh sandwiches and petit fours, Sandy explained to her guests that the privilege has been all hers, and her Wednesday is the best day of her week.

“Honestly, I would rather be nowhere else than in the FareShare kitchens, preparing vegetables with these people who have become like family.” Sandy said.

“Thank you, one and all at FareShare – you are amazing.”

FareShare’s Board Chair David Harris OAM has been a driving force of FareShare’s success for more than two decades now.

To honour David’s long and fruitful association with FareShare, one of the kitchens in the newly refurbished Abbotsford facility is now officially The David Harris Kitchen.

“Having the kitchen named in recognition of my twenty year association with FareShare is a very proud moment for me, and a great honour.” David explained. 

The David Harris kitchen will produce hundreds of thousands of nutritious meals to feed those in need, for free. 

It is an accolade not lost on a man who understands the

significance of giving back.

“Since arriving in Melbourne from Manchester in 1967 I have certainly had far more than my ‘fair share’ of good fortune,” David explained. 

“My involvement with this amazing organisation has enabled me to give back, in a most meaningful way, to a community, that has been so good to me.” he continued.

“It has been such a privilege to be part of an organisation that continues to produce an ever increasing number of wonderful meals for others who are not always able provide one for themselves,” David said.

 “My association with everyone at FareShare has been one of my greatest pleasures.”

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