FareShare has set up three emergency cool rooms packed with thousands of nutritious, cooked meals outside North Melbourne and Flemington public housing towers to feed vulnerable tenants unable to leave their homes.

Around 3,000 people have been affected by the hard lockdown which is due to be lifted when all residents have been COVID tested.

On July 6, FareShare introduced new processes in our kitchen to ensure all meals provided to residents on the estates are halal-friendly.

“We all feel for people caught up in this terrible situation,” said FareShare’s kitchen manager and head chef Crickette DerJeu (pictured above with FareShare staff Ray and Trung at the estate.)

“We just hope our comforting, chef-cooked meals ease some of the stress and uncertainty, and help provide the energy these struggling people will need to cope.”

The supply of FareShare meals comes at the request of Victoria’s Department of Health and Human Services.

“We are committed to supporting this vulnerable community with healthy meals for as long as necessary,” said Ms DerJeu. “Our chefs are passionate about making the meals as delicious and nutritious as possible knowing what these people are going through.”

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